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Major Update: This is a highly outdated post. Please, please read it alongside this update.

Update: Folks – I am flattered by the attention, links and hits this post has got. But I must warn you that this is a highly outdated  post and lots of things have changed in both blogger and since it was written. Would request you to look for some newer reviews online or compare the current features yourself 🙂

(Update: This comparison is there for specific hosting service at and and does not cover the wordpress software. Idea is to compare the two services for someone who just want an online service through which they can blog and can not afford/do not want to have a paid account, set up wordpress etc. Nor are covered the aspects of hosting the blog at a different palce than through The updates in the post are there in italics. Certain things which Lorelle asked about in this comment, but which I could not include in the comparisons, per se, are answered at the end of this post.)

Here is a comparison for those who are wondering what to do. I will not give a solution to the wondering, but you might be in a position to make a choice for yourself.

Advantages and disadvantages are relative terms. So, here what I call as advantages or disadvantages are purely from my own point of view…

  • Firstly the reason I am here. supports categories, does not.
  • If you like to do a lot of experimentation with your template, gives a direct access to your template, doesnot. With you can have your own template, with you can not. The reason apparently are realted to security concerns. However, the other side of the story is that whatever modifications are possible at, they are a lot cleaner and you do not have to redo it all over again, simply because you decided to change your template (ask me!). And a lot of additions, deletions in the sidebar are still possible. Creating links in the sidebar, for example. You can simply define the category and add links to them. You won’t have to redo it with a change in template. While with, you must manually change the template code with html and then redo it with a template change. Any customization of template requires some minimal knowledge of HTML. provides nice interface. But if you just want the control over HTML of your blog, well go for!
  • The idea of pages (posts not shown in the usual choronological order) is absent at At, they provide a way to maintain some ‘static’ sort of pages, which you may want.
  • There are no “File Upload” features in, which is there at
  • You can password protect a post in, not so at
  • Multi-user capabilities at is very advanced. I am still not quite sure, supports it. There are some talks about “WordPress MU”, but how are you supposed to add users? Am not sure. This, however, is not likely to remain a disadvantage for long.
  • The facility of usign raw HTML in the basic HTML editor (not the WYSIWYG editor) selectively was something I loved at The raw HTML editor is too raw at!
  • As of now, I do not think that multiple blogs per person is supported on, which is a very stable feature of
  • does not give option in terms of your permanent link structure. But it sanitizes your non-english titles very well and you do not see those weird, long URLs there. should be able to give me flexibility to use post-ids. But it, still, is not there.
  • Because of default “Justified” text, the rendering of Hindi characters has been poor here at For the post body, I could take care of it, but left justifying it. But can not do that with the titles and titles are still rendered in a rather weird fashion. And that reminds me, at, you can use Raw HTML in the Titles too, if you wish so.
  • Rendering the smileys as images in something does not support, does.
  • There are these features “Optional Excerpt” and “Custom Fields” in editor. Have not used them yet and am not sure what and how useful they are. Any experienced wordpress users? Diwaker? 🙂
  • Features like “Recover Post” are not there at, I guess. But of course this is most likely to be important only if you have a system without a UPS and you are also likely to face power cuts 🙂 (Yeah, yeah – ask me again!)
  • The interface at is good and bad. It does offer lots of features associated with wordpress software. But as a web-based service, I often end up looking for a “Help” or “FAQ” link and find it missing!! Of course, there are these blogs listed on the dashboard as “Top Blogs”, which do provide you with lot of information. But they are too technical to be grasped by normal mortals and not quite like a “Help” or “FAQ” page.
  • The homepage has no information whatsoever about the site. What are their privacy policies? What about the copyright of all the stuff that I am posting on their site and resides on their servers? It appears more like a site made for the geeks, made by the geeks. May be that was the purpose in the first place (but there is no way to know from the website!). For a normal user, presents a much assuring homepage, with enough information.
  • Search of is cool. That at was pathetic earlier. With Google Blogsearch coming into picture, however, that disadvantage for is completely lost! 🙂
  • The system for spam comment filtering has recently been introduced at and is limited to word verification. provides advanced capabilities like requiring approval before comment appears and tests for other symptoms like several hyperlinks, certain words etc. Have not used them. So, can not comment on their usefulness, but it appears to be a more advanced way of dealing with comment spam. And yeah, if you have had some unwanted people, making idiotic comments (ask me!), approval of comments is something you would want to turn on. There is also an option of letting those whose comments have been approved once, to post freely. Thus, you can take care of your regular sane readers.
  • Areas to manage post is also a negative with blogger. You can not pick up a particular time period whose posts you want to view. You are forced to see a reverse chronological order of posts. If you want to retreive some really old posts, when the number of posts in your blog is large, it’s nightmarish to wait for your posts to load.
  • There is no inbuilt site tracking mechanism in You have to rely on external counters. provides a fairly detailed one. However, I wish they would show the IP information too, the way they show it in comments. This would help analyze exactly where from visitors are coming.
  • Finally is under experimentation. If you do not like to see little surprising changes and little messing up here and there on a daily basis, you would want to wait for sometime before trying to shift. is stable and cool that way 🙂

These are all I can think of right now. Might update it, if there are queries or if something else comes to my mind.

And now, answer to some of the questions Lorelle asked about and which I could not inlcude in comparison –

  • Does Blogger have a link inside of its administration panels that allows you, the user, to send feedback and questions to the developers? Yes. But first gives a link to its ‘Help’ or ‘FAQ’ page. There is also a ‘Knows Isuues’ and a ‘Blogger Status’ Page. If the problem is still not solved and not included in ‘Knows Isuues’ or ‘Blogger Status’, you can contact the developers. And they respond too :). I guess this is fair enough, since their Help, FAQ, Knows Issues and Blogger status pages are quite well-developed.
  • Are there any limits on post sizes, number of posts, or image and file uploading? None on post sizes or number of posts. There are no options of file uploading. And total image space is limited to 300 MB.
  • How many users can you have on a single Blogger blog? I haven’t come across anything mentioning a limit yet and I have seen blogs with fairly high number of users. (Okay, not in hundreds yet!)

181 thoughts on “ vs.

  1. Thank you, this is a wonderfully precise comparsion of the 2 services. I think I am going to stick to my Blogger account for a little longer as WordPress irons out the small stuff.

  2. Excellent comparisons. Just a few clarifications for your readers. is run on WordPressMU. WordPressMU is for server hosts who want to setup free or low cost blogs for their users. It means “multiple users” not “multiple blogs”. I believe that might offer multiple users on each of the free blogs, but right now, it’s one user per blog. You want more, there are other choices, including the full version of WordPress.

    Customization of templates and WordPress Themes is slowly becoming available, though to what extent is still a mystery as the program develops. While might have strict limits on some functions, other WordPressMU sites may loosen the knots and allow for more customization and WordPress plugin options and choices. Don’t judge all WordPressMU sites by The cool thing about WordPressMU is that the host controls the most – giving their users whatever options they choose.

    As for having choices about your permalinks – the standard they have set, though I personally do not like it, is a blogging standard set within the past few years. It works and you don’t have to debate or deal with htaccess. You want full control, go with the full version of WordPress. Luckily, you have that option.

    Optional Excerpt is for putting an excerpt in if you set the Options to show Excerpts on the front page of your site. This gives you the option to include the first 120 words of the post by default, or entering the text in the Optional Excerpt so you choose what appears in your excerpt.

    Custom Fields is a little more questionable. It is used with the full WordPress version to setup custom information like moods and such, but it requires the inclusion of a tag in your template files. Maybe that is already included in your particular Theme – or maybe not. As this is all experimental and under development, we wait and see.

    At the bottom of every administration panel is a link to the WordPress Codex, the online manual for WordPress users. While the Codex covers the full version of WordPress, it also covers information you need to use WordPressMU and For the most part, other than requests for how to customize sites, usually from veterans familiar with website design and development such as WordPress users, the WordPress admin panels are pretty blatant about their use. Where there is some confusion, there is likely to be a link to a page on the Codex that will help.

    Now, I want to know a few things.

    Does Blogger have a link inside of its administration panels that allows you, the user, to send feedback and questions to the developers? Does Blogger include serious comment spam fighting services? Are there any limits on post sizes, number of posts, or image and file uploading? How many users can you have on a single Blogger blog? Is the Manage Posts area sortable by date, title, or category?

  3. Lorelle: Thanks a lot for the clarifications, but specially for the last paragraph of your comment :). Because these gave me other things which should be compared. And yeah, there is a reason why I shifted to ;). The love of past (almost two years) was hard to let go. But advantages were lucrative!!

  4. Thank you for your post. I never used blogger, I used livejournal. And now I am very excited to be a part of the whole wordpress revolution (too strong? How about community?) I love the new surprises and tweakings that happen in my interface every day. It’s like having mini birthdays and Christmases all the time. I have fought with css and html for years and recently, I’ve just been very happy to just focus on content over style. *Whew* what a concept. 🙂 I see tremendous possibilities for in the near future. I plan to stay.

  5. I once use Blogger, I have abandon it now and never look back. Ever 🙂 Some of the people might say that it is good and it is enough. Well, apparently it is not for me. Other people have also recommended MT and other engine. They are not meant for me either. It’s a bit subjective but I love WordPress 🙂

  6. The only differentiation between blogger and is a utopia community, I feel. I used to use blogger and in just one month I couldn’t feel the aura of community in blogger, even the blogger is the most free blog ‘limited’ engine in the blogosphere. They’re just stand alone at each other and the development is really slow. Could we do like pingback or tracback-thingy in blogger account?

    But it’s gonna be a big difference when we are in ( In just one month:
    1. Realise or not, we’re linking each other. The concept of invitation makes us like a happy big family of I’m ‘the child’ of my friend who gave me the invitation and I have so many ‘children’ too 😉 , since I have a huge invitation because of reporting a buck via feedback feature.
    2. The progress thingy is everywhere and since WordPress is an open source, in everyday of blogging we could know the result of development itself obviously.
    3. There’re no gap between a developers and users as you could see, Matt as a leading developer has left the comment in mostly of (as I know).

  7. If I wanted a html-oriented bLog I would use my own systems. I have built THREE BLOG PLATFORMS for my personal use until now, all optimized for search engines, all perfectly customizable and usable.

    But it’s not an advantage. WordPress has just everything a bLog MUST have, and he keeps us crazy programmers away from bad, stressing code.

    Just keep adding templates (l would like to realize some for You :).

    bLogger is anyway the second choice: very good, very usable, but still far from the smooth concept of WordPress 🙂

  8. AnotherFanaticGamer:

    > If I wanted a html-oriented bLog I would use my own systems.

    Problem is I can not afford to have buy hosting space required for running something like WordPress 🙂 That’s why the comparison with


    Sorry, but I had only one invit and long back utilized it for a friend. 😦

    Thanks to everyone else for appreciating this post and also contributing to the comparison by giving more inputs 🙂

  9. “Does Blogger have a link inside of its administration panels that allows you, the user, to send feedback and questions to the developers?”

    Wow, that is the least important feature, ever. A feedback link?!?! Good god, my kingdom for a feedback link! Who cares that I can’t manage the links in the sidebar? Who cares that I can’t edit what my blog looks like? Who cares that I am forced to use a theme that includes a link to the theme designer’s site? I have a fancy feedback link that I can use to send little messages that will be ignored by the devs! Huzzah for the feedback link and all its importance!

    “At the bottom of every administration panel is a link to the WordPress Codex,”

    Again, a nicety. Not important. Especially with MU where most features are ripped out and the codex and all its help are pointless since you cannot actually customize anything.

    “Is the Manage Posts area sortable by date, title, or category?”

    Cmon. Lets stick to real topics of for comparison. Your ferver for WordPress clouds your objectivity. There are fundamental issues MU needs to address, not little puny things like a feedback link. Use your energy and get these things fixed instead of looking for little features to “compare” and claim other packages “dont have”. Until then, will only be this happy little “family” of children and parents that cross link to each other and all look like the same 7 websites – pathetic.

  10. This is a blatant attempt to distract from the issue of completely uncustomizable themes.

    The community is calling for the ability to add a custom image to their header. The community is calling for the ability to edit their font colors. The community is calling for the ability to personalize their blog!

    This is simply a nice little php script that obfuscates and occludes the fact that we have been given a stripped down, ripped apart version of WordPress that inaccurately represents the magnitude and grandieur of WordPress.

    Restore proper theme support to MU, or give us the real deal – Not “WordPress: Lite”.

  11. if u want a host based on wordpress (MU), and want to edit your template, then maybe blogsome ( is the site for u ;). before starting a weblog however, i am still comparing the two services. for some reason i am not able to start (u know field jobs in third world countries sux!)

  12. Shoo-be-doo-be, shoo-be-doo-be

    You say you got a real solution
    Well, you know
    We’d all love to see the plan
    You ask me for a contribution
    Well, you know
    We’re doing what we can
    But when you want money
    for people with minds that hate
    All I can tell is brother you have to wait
    Don’t you know it’s gonna be all right
    all right, all right

    Revolution — The Beatles

  13. another plus for is the domain is not (yet) blocked in china, unlike the domain!

  14. Functionality aside, at present time, you see alot more idiots running around on than here at .

    Hopefully none of those people ever hear about 🙂

  15. To montoya:

    Ditto 😀

    I just switched from Blogger today, and the comparison Jaya posted helped reduced the amount of regrets I have. (for me):
    The biggest plus: More pages, better themes
    The biggest downside: No direct access to HTML 😦

  16. I’ve just switched from TypePad (Pro) to WordPress (self install) but I’m interested in hosted WP services.

    The dealbreaker for me is not being able to edit themes so much as I prefer the interface of (vs, I would have to recommend blogsome to those who want to make changes to the look of their blog.

    But… I see that Robert Scoble has a new blog with a customized banner – any idea if this is something that will be offered further along the line?

  17. Roger and Daisy:

    Not so fine prints from the’s Terms of service:

    We do recommend that you keep backup copies of any information of value to you that you post on While we currently do keep backups (as of Feb ’05) and have performed re-installs of blogs at no cost, however because we are not charging bloggers at the moment in order to limit our liability we retain our right to discontinue providing the blog hosting service at any time at our sole discretion (whether due to systems failure or not), or any other sevices, with or without notice.

    These Terms are effective until terminated by Browse The World Ltd. Browse The World Ltd. may terminate these Terms without notice and at any time. In the event of termination, you are no longer authorized to access the web site, and the restrictions imposed on you with respect to the Content, and the disclaimers, indemnities, and limitations of liabilities set forth in these Terms shall survive termination

    Browse The World Ltd. shall also have the right without notice and at any time to terminate the web site or any portion thereof, or any products or services offered through the web site, or to terminate any individual’s right to access or use the web site or any portion thereof.

    You agree that any termination of your access to the sevices so provided under any provision of these Terms of Service may be effected without prior notice, and acknowledge and agree that Browse The World / may immediately deactivate or delete your site/blog and all related information and files in your site/blog and/or bar any further access to such files or the blgosome service. Further, you agree that Browse The World shall not be liable to you or any third-party for any termination of your access to the service.

    Meaning they can disappear anytime… 😀

    Kunal: Long long back has stopped forcing ads.

  18. Jaya, thank you so much for pointing that out. A friend of mine has a blog with blogsome, I’ll point him to your comment immediately.

  19. Jaya,

    Those terms of service are there to protect us from law suits if anything did happen. We have been operating for over a year with over 40,000 users signed up, without losing a single post.

    We also need to keep the right to terminate spam blogs and other offensive material.

    We still maintain backups in case of crashes. We’ve had no problems so far, those terms are to protect us…after all we are giving a good free service.

    If you want a good free blog host that gives you a blog in the form, has categories, and allows you edit your template…the Blogsome is the host for you.

  20. Thanks for that Roger, I realise that the T&C are fairly standard and perhaps are in place to protect yourselves from our litigious cousins in the US :-).

    Six months down the line, after setting up three Blogsome blogs for friends/family and helping out with their queries/additions, then comparing Blogsome with my own installed WordPress blog, I’ve come to realise that Blogsome really is the best WordPress MU on the market at the moment and can only be bettered by a self-hosted install.

    Why? Leaving Blogger out of the equation to concentrate only on hosted WordPress MU services, as far as I know Blogsome is the only one to offer theme editing.

    I don’t think people realise how important that is. It’s not just a question of being able to change, for example, the banner picture at the top of the blog to one of your own or change the colour scheme, but you cannot add any content to the sidebar (Flickr images, badges, etc.), something that most bloggers will want to do at some stage. You could try creating a new link category and adding a link to but most new bloggers are not going to know about this and at the end of the day it seems so very limiting.

    Also, there is no way currently to export your content (posts and comments) from Should you realise a few weeks/months down the line that you’d like to switch to another service you’re faced with the choice of starting afresh and leaving the old content behind or spending an awful lot of time copying and pasting that content into the new blog.

    I believe that Blogsome will soon be offering this to users – yet another *huge* reason to choose over or similar.

    I’ve been blogging for almost 3 years (started with Blogger, moved to Typepad for 2 years and am now happily using WordPress, plus I’ve tested various other services along the way). If you’re at all serious about blogging, I would recommend:

    1. Buy a domain name and a year’s cheap hosting (check that the hosting offers the necessary PHP, MySQL etc. but don’t worry about using it just yet).

    2. Set up a blogsome blog and redirect (so for example, “” can be redirected to “”).

    3. Get to know the Blogsome interface, change the theme, add content to the sidebar, learn html and css, learn to design for accessibility. Read the Blogsome forums, see what other people are doing with their blogs.

    4. Enjoy blogging!

    5. If you become addicted to blogging (:-)), you are then free to experiment with other services, try your own install of wordpress, moveable type, whatever. But the domain name stays the same and with careful importing of content from one system to another, your readers won’t be affected by any behind the scenes activity.

    Finally, the one thing I guarantee is that you will at some stage want to make changes to your sidebar and header content. And at the moment, Blogsome offers that, does not.

  21. Fiddlesticks! While writing the previous comment I was logged in with a friend’s unused id (to check that themes were still not editable) . Sorry for the confusion 😦

  22. wow, nice post and comments. I use blogger. I thought about switching to WP. Not enough reasons to do so. This is the bottom line for me: use what works for you; both services have advantages and disadvantages, like everything, so why bash the other service. I am happy with blogger as many people are happy wit WP.

    Rock on

    Check out what I have done with my regular blogger template.

  23. Actually a lot has changed in since I wrote this post. So, its ideally a time for an update. But now, I have lost touch with the features of So, do not find myself capable of doing it.

  24. let me list a few of WP drawbacks…deleting a blog is as painstaking as chopping onions…have never been able to do since the time is started using one…does not support adsense…so u cant make money….so in view of these drawbacks..i find it prudent to chose blogger over WP!

  25. Having used both I definitely prefer WordPress. And blogger seems to constantly put your site in the spam que and you have to email them to get it out. A real pain.

  26. I’ve tried Blogger before. Then I decided to “migrate” my blog to WordPress. But I’m still maintaining the blog at Blogger because I still can’t figure out how to add Google adsense scripts on my WordPress blog.

  27. Pingback: Reginabally's Blog
  28. I had blogsome a while ago, I couldn’t customize my blog. I mean, I didn’t know what codes and stuff to look for and personally I don’t really want to download blog software onto my computer just to get custome themes. Is this making sense?

  29. I totally agree with you. Although I kept my old blogger online with the link to wordpress, I am having trouble updating it with the Beta version. I wonder if there is the perfect way of blogging… But I still prefer WordPress.

  30. WordPress is by far the way to go… Blogger is just way behind.. and once, WordPress finally starts to move upward from this seeming plateau that it has been in for a while, then WordPress will definitely be the go to for Blogging. NO CONTEST.

  31. Today only I came and created my blog @ wordpress and found its interface (Themes) are much better then Blogger. Bust still I will like to stick to Blogger as I think in free wordpress there is no way to add Google Adsense and Google Search which is available in Blogger. Also I personnly feel that if the themes like Contempt or Kubrick of WordPress are availabe in Blogger it will be great.

    Prabhat Nath

  32. This is a good comparison .But there is one thing I know…blogger blogs always have a better position in search engines…

  33. New Blogger is WAY better than the old one. I’ve got blogs on both WP and Blogger(nownotbeta).

    Usability and speed is improved. I’d now recommend anyone new to blogging to try blogger first

  34. Hi jaya,

    Recently, I migrated from blogspot to wordpress. I still can’t figure out why my tags wont appear in the global tag search.

    I have just posted in the forum. However, if you know the answer, please let me know as well.


  35. I have already moved to wordpress 2.1.2. But your article cleared my doubts and reinforced that my move from Blogger is a good idea.

  36. Great comparison, thanks. Seems very balanced to me. I use neither but I’ll use them in making my decision which to go for.

  37. Hi,

    Thanks for the informative article. I already have a blogger account (although inactive), and I wanted to see what would be the benefits in migrating to WordPress. I’m not a regular blogger, but I am planning to be one. 🙂

  38. Hi Jaya!
    I feel that you have a very good post over here although it is like 2 years ago. I have to agree with you that WordPress provides a very good spam service unlike Blogger where we need to activate and set the options ourselves.

    Another thing that I have to agree with you is the counters issue. Blogspot don’t provide any, thats probably the reason why they allow the use of 3rd party scripts: javascripts? I am totally in love with WordPress’s stats widget because its simple but yet packed with lots of details.

    I have created my own version of Blogger VS WordPress for internet marketers over here:

    Hope it might be useful!

  39. Interesting comparison. I really hate not being able to use categories in my blogger powered blog. However I have not yet decided to move to wordpress but I am certainly evaluating that option. Also a quick google search tells me that there are some blogger hacks which allow you to use categories on your blog. I may as well try them first.

  40. I am telling the best part of blogger:

    It deletes all your blogs, your years of efforts in seconds.. without giving any prior notice.. no matter whether you follow their TOS or not. Blogger is a big time sucker !!

    I have a terrible experience with blogger!

  41. Good post. But, you do not talk about any features where one needs to put in scripts in. I have a blog at and just recently started a blog at The feature of adding scripts for say feedburner, rss chicklets, google ads, amazon links etc. are missing. Although, I agree wordpress has better templates and is easy to switch them. But, wordpress does not allow to modify the templates so one cannot mix and match template features that one likes.

  42. I recently combined two blogger sites into one wordpress site. My first site: and my wp site: Here are my pro’s and cons:

    1. Template: wp template looks 10x better
    2. Changing templates: tried to upload custom template on blogger, but I would have lost all of my widgets. On wp, you can’t upload custom templates.
    3. Features that I miss from blogger: adsense, feedburner email subscriptions, you don’t have to switch to HTML to add technorati tags.
    4. Multiple blogs. Though blogger allows multiple blogs, my blogs all have similar content and I found that only 2 would rank on any given search term at a given time.
    5. Ranking on google: I haven’t noticed much difference
    6. WP has more built in features, however, many of these features can be added to blogger and actually work better when you ad them.

    Note to blogger: Get some better looking templates! Also make a built in technorati tag feature!

  43. WP blog templates just look so much better aesthetically! With blogger, you can obtain many of the same features, but you have to dig around and find the programs like feedburner, etc. It would be nice if you could use adsense on WP. It would also be nice if you could add cusotm templates to wp. I guess the only two complaints that I have about wp can be solved by buying it instead of using the free version at is my new blog site about dietary supplements.

  44. And one very useful feature of WordPress which is missing in blogger is LaTeX support! Maybe there are only 5% of users (or less) who’s interested in it but, so far I know, WordPress is the only one choice if you want to have some cool looking math (some people need it, believe me) in your blog.

  45. Blogger supports openid logins (but no server)
    which is advantages because it means support for typekey/aol/livejournal/ accounts
    while wordpress has an openid server but no login system that supports it
    so blogger basicly can support wordpress and typekey logins as well as google accounts now
    so thats another thing to put into consideration
    do you want people to have multiple choices or your own system of logging in

  46. Thank you, I’ll just choose wordpress as it was my favourite blogging cms when I had my localhost webserver, but, I will try a little and the Blogger, just for the kicks of it 🙂

  47. Wow, this is a Malay language ? I visited the blog and it sounds likes a big and hot discussion downthere, however don’t understand what they are talking about. Anybody who can tell a little bit about the battle ? And what is the cause ? Tks Matthew

  48. I now have 5 sites on Blogger and I am very pleased with it. I tried WordPress for a while and found it VERY difficult to work with. The templates are locked down tight. It is near impossible to make changes.

    On Blogger I was able to get a really nice 3 column template with almost limitless editing capabilities. All that is needed is some rudimentary coding knowledge. I was able to change category names and add categories.

    In addition, WordPress seems to have a limit of 300 links per post and Blogger has no such artificial restrictions.

    The examples of the category changes and the look changes can be seen on my new sites. (Keep in mind that it’s still under construction.)

    Blogger – flexible with easy to use features
    Wordpress – restrictive with hard to use features

  49. Thank you for a very informative article. I’m going to start my blog soon and this article will help me decide which hosting service to use.

    Giselle Conyette, Writer
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  50. Hey! This is great. I thought of writing a post on this, but I googled and found this post. I might not have written so clearly. Great!

  51. Hey,
    Well, the TeenScoops is a WordPress user and a Blogger user as well!
    TeenScoops is building many sites, but got used to the WordPress way of use! but do need more different options! We tried Blogger, and really, it stinks! We don’t like it! WordPress is:
    -Easier to use and has MORE options than Blogger
    -Has Blog sites that are related to WordPress like BlogPico and BlogMas.
    -Wordpress has 3 GB of free space.

    It’s not because we are on WordPress that we are voting on it! It is because we are voting for WordPress that we are in it!

    The TeenScoops Staff!

  52. i agree that wordpress is a lot better than blogger.
    i myself shifted around 2 years back and m a happy wp/wpmu user now.
    i have liked wordpress so much that now i have a blog host service to provide 100% ad free blog host from india to all bloggers powered by lately launched wordpress mu.

    you can create multiple Free blogs, profile, groups, manage ads via AdManager, invite your friends, Earn from your ads.

  53. I am wondering if there are any comparison for Windows Live Spaces vs Blogger or vs WordPress. I want to start a blog but not so sure as to which I should use.

    Anyone out there who can help me?

  54. I say that these are both overrated. Try using

    They are new, but very simple to use, have a decent selection of themes, and are very unique. They bring many new features to the internet that Blogger and WordPress do not have. They have a great support team, and keep everybody updated with what is going on with the website.

  55. Thanks for the comparisons. I was thinking of going to blogger, but now I’ll stick with wordpress.

  56. And one very useful feature of WordPress which is missing in blogger is LaTeX support! Maybe there are only 5% of users (or less) who’s interested in it but, so far I know, WordPress is the only one choice if you want to have some cool looking math (some people need it, believe me) in your blog/I am looking for a comparison of and

  57. TeenScoops is building many sites?? but got used to the WordPress way of use! but do need more different options! The tried Blogger, and really, it stinks! We don’t like it! WordPress is:
    -Easier to use and has MORE options than Blogger
    -Has Blog sites that are related to WordPress like BlogPico and BlogMas.
    -WordPress has 3 GB of free spaceGreetings, Marmaris

  58. I really hate not being able to use categories in my blogger powered blog. However I have not yet decided to move to wordpress but I am certainly evaluating that option. Also a quick google search tells me that there are some blogger hacks which allow you to use categories on your blogI like/hope that blogger would like wordpress

  59. I use blogger. I switched over to WordPress and I didn’t think it was worth it all so I switched back. The benefits if any, aren’t worth actually getting up and changing. The fact that I can pick a plethora of templates and edit them relatively easily is huge for. I have freedom to be more creative. Plus you can host your own domain for free. The SEO benefits WordPress has can combated with a little tweaking of the HTML of your template.

    I think there is this dislike for huge companies like Google and people thinking it’s trendy to switch to WordPress. I find blogger to be easier to use and I am no dummy.

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  63. I blog on both, and enjoy both. The non objective insight here points out detail shortfalls for both. One feature, as the article points out, that I enjoy is the ability to categorize articles in WP. Other than that I discern it’s a matter of choice, and knowing how to create content that engages with the reader. Thanks again!

  64. It’s really great information for me. And also very helpful. Because i have two accounts in both site. There was little a bit confusion for me which is not cleared.

    Thanks for posting such a nice content (information)…

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